With an “Into the Wild” safari theme, Bear Necessities celebrated its 21st Annual Bear Tie Ball at on Saturday, March 8, 2014. Philanthropists, socialites, cancer survivors and more came out to support this non-profit organization to raise funds for pediatric cancer research and resources.
The organization was inspired by Barrett “Bear” Krupa. He was diagnosed with a form pediatric cancer called Wilms tumor, and lost his battle at the age of 8-years old in 1993. He and his mother, Kathleen A. Casey, would create Bear Necessities to raise funds for medical research and help others going through sickness.
The Hope Award, named after William J. Casey, honors individuals and organizations that assist the organization in its mission and provide hope and support to those who are impacted. President Bob Arthur was on hand to accept the award for Magellan Corporation, the Spotlight Sponsors for the Bear Tie Ball. The organization have represented as sponsors for 10 years.