Kicking Back with the Voice of the Chicago Bulls

July 19, 2017

Chuck Swirsky, radio sports show host and beloved play-by-play voice of the Chicago Bulls, visited Magellan on July 19, 2017.

Employees and guests enjoyed a great Lunch & Learn with Chuck, a familiar face to the Magellan team, as he shared anecdotes about his distinguished career, and the importance of leadership and team building. Chuck's association with Chicago sports started in 1979 with his WCFL AM 1000 talk show. He was named the Chicago Bulls public address announcer and served in that capacity from 1980 - 1983. He joined WGN radio in 1981. He has hosted various sports talk shows and called play-by-play, and has worked occasionally in television.

On September 7, 2016, just a year before his visit to Magellan, Swirsky was inducted into the Chicagoland Sports Hall of Fame.

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